Importance of Responsive Web Design

A website with responsive web design is a site that is able to adjust to the screen it is being utilized on, regardless of what device it is. The website consequently reformats to give the user a superior experience that is appropriate to their device and can give your site various advantages & in addition be in accordance with Google recommendations.

Increase in mobile usage

Over the last five years, mobile browsing has increased very rapidly, and more recently, with the launch of 4G, it’s become almost as speedy as desktop browsing. Over that, the price of data plans has routinely dropped over the last few years, which means an ever-increasing number of individuals can comfortably spend hours tooling around and browsing on their phone, with no financial repercussions.

It is important that to have a responsive web design which works better on a smartphone or other mobile device screens, due to a large number of people who could be using your website through a smartphone or tablet.

Benefits of responsive web design

With a responsive site, all content and pages are adaptable to all screen resolutions and devices. Whether you’re seeing a site on your cell phone or a laptop, it will be bound together and easy to navigate despite the varying screen sizes. Providing an ideal experience for the client no matter how you look at it, responsive web design means your user can read and navigate the web page with least resizing and scrolling.

Responsive web design can enhance user experience which will convert into a positive impression of brand and business. If the client can access site easily on all platforms, will probably come back to the same site for more business in the future and it more than likely means a higher conversion rate for the website. In reality, as we know it where so much traffic comes from mobile devices, it’s essential that you’re accommodating this factor through your website.

Responsive website design is now also important as a ranking factor. Websites that are responsive will generally load faster which is probably going to support the website ranking and decrease the bounce rate. Responsive web design can also make social sharing easier, helps to grow a bigger audience for the brand.

SEO campaigns and website support are also a much smoother process with a mobile-friendly website. Responsive web design implies you just have 1 website to take care of; it’s also quicker and more affordable than making a stand-alone mobile application in addition to your desktop website.

Responsive Web Design is Especially Crucial for E-Commerce Sites

Do you know what one of the most serious issues for online stores is? Abandoned shopping carts. People getting bored or getting cold feet midway through the registration procedure, and essentially taking off. Billions of potential sales disappearing.

You must inquire as to ask why individuals are abandoning their purchases, and past the conspicuous doubts component, you have the way that a considerable measure of online stores still has long and challenging registration forms, an issue aggravated by poor responsiveness.

The less demanding you make for customers to make buys on your site, the more deals you will appreciate. By incorporating responsive design, you’re gaining an edge on the competition, and giving your customers an uncontrollably smoother experience.